Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Did She Say 16 Weeks???

I sure did!  It's been 16 weeks since I embarked on a journey that would change my life forever.  As with any journey, there were rocky times that had me doubt my decision, but looking back on these past 4 months, I wouldn't change ANY of it and I have absolutely NO regrets.

I write this between tears, but they are certainly the good ones!  I am so blessed to have such an amazing support system and, in light of Thanksgiving on Thursday, I must take a moment to thank everyone (deal with it!).

I couldn't have gotten this far without my wonderful husband.  He has been my rock and my closest supporter, and there are not enough "thank yous" in the world for what he has done.  

I can't thank my family enough for their kind words of encouragement for both Chris and myself as we continue on this journey together.  THANK YOU Mom, Dad, Rob, Joe, Michele, and Jen.  I love you all so much and am so lucky to call you my family.  

To my other family - Deb, Steve, Suzanne, and Andrew - I consider myself extremely lucky to have such great in-laws.  You have been so wonderful in supporting Christopher and I as we both continue our healthy lifestyle.

I also have to thank some of my closest friends who have also experienced this journey - Kelly Wagner and Nicole Launderville.  You both have helped me so much - more than I think you realize.  I couldn't have made such an important decision without you - I love you both!

Melissa & Derek, Chad & Devyn, Jessica & Bill, Michelle & Brian - I don't even know where to begin.  You have all touched my heart in such different ways and you are all such amazing people.  Chris and I are so lucky to have you in our life and we love you very much.  

I'm terrible at remembering everyone and I'm sure I forgot someone, so please accept my apologies if I did - it's nothing personal.  Mommy brain is horrible (yes it's real).  

Well I suppose now would be the time to show you my 4 month pictures.  I did them a little different this time around.  The jeans in my picture were a size 24 - when I was 284 lbs.  I am now in a size 14 and am 184 lbs.  That's right - I'm down 100 pounds from my heaviest weight.  It's shocking and very exciting, but most importantly - I'M HEALTHY - and for that, I am endlessly thankful.  

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your loved ones.  This one will be a bit different for our family this year, but nonetheless, it will be wonderful.  Be thankful for those in your life and hug them tight.  You just don't know when they may leave.


Thursday, October 25, 2012

Call Me a Monkey

Because I LOVE bananas.  With peanut butter.  Hey, it helps the potassium AND I get in my protein :-)  My potassium was up again Monday from 3.3 to 3.7!  I have to stay above 3.5, so I'm eating all the potassium rich foods I can and getting in my supplement every night.

My newest accomplishment this week:  I'm officially in a size 16!  That's down from a size 24.  Oofda, can't believe I was a 24.  *smacks head*  Glad that's in the past :-)

So I had a "skinny" moment the other night.  Chris and I went to a movie and I couldn't believe the amount of space in my seat!  I thought to myself, "Did they make these seats bigger?"  Of course they didn't, I'm just much smaller!  I reveled in the thought a few seconds with a grin across my face.  The simple things.  Now I have the itch to get on an airplane!

Now that I'm 3 months out, I'm sort of at a stage where all foods are pretty tolerable.  That being said, I must ensure I continue to make good food choices.  It's pretty amazing to me how many foods are out there that are good for you.  It's a matter of being a little creative and planning ahead.  Neither are always easy, but they are necessary.  Because my meals are only about a half a cup, it is somewhat easy to make a meal at home and have plenty of leftovers for lunch.  I just have to make sure I give myself some variety or I get bored.  So making a couple or a few meals on Sunday night provide great lunches for the week and Chris and Max love the variety as well!

Speaking of the hubby, he is doing great too!  He's down 40 lbs and counting, and is down another pant size.  Thank God, because the other pants were getting FAR too baggy, even with a belt.

Bedtime.  I'm fighting off a nasty cold that has a killer sore throat.  I leave you with this thought:

"A healthy attitude is contagious, but don't wait to catch it from others.  Be a carrier."  Tom Stoppard

Monday, October 22, 2012

12 Weeks

And what a LONG 12 weeks it's been!  Especially after kidney stones last weekend.  I have never felt pain like that in my life and hope to God I never have to again.  BUT, I look over what I've been through in the past 3 months and wouldn't think twice about doing it ALL over again to be where I'm at now.

3 Month Stats:
78.7 lbs lost
14 inches lost in my waist
11 inches lost in my hips
33.5 BMI  (started at 46.7!)

I am just flabbergasted by how healthy I have become and knowing I have gotten myself this far with the help of my new tool.  I LOVE my new tool!

Do I still enjoy eating?  Absolutely!  Who doesn't?   But food has become something I eat simply to survive and refuel, not something that my life revolves around. It's just a matter of appreciating the food that is healthy for you and realizing the food that isn't healthy for you isn't worth it.  It feels amazing to not be consumed by such a horrible addiction!

I have posted pictures below showing the change, but before I go, I must quote Benjamin Franklin on one of my favorite sayings, "One should eat to live, not live to eat."

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Nectar Protein Powder

What a week it's been!  Max had a horrible flu virus that caused major exhaustion for Mommy and Daddy, but he seems to be on the mend!

The good news for me: I FINALLY found a protein powder I like!!!  I went into The Vitamin Shoppe and told the guy I have been trying to find a protein powder I like for 10 weeks.  I've tried so many different kinds and I am sick of looking!  Two of the employees directed me to Nectar - a brand that has SO MANY FLAVORS!!! The guy told me 1 in 10 people come back saying they don't like it - I liked the odds!  Just to be safe, I purchased a sample.  I went home, blended it up, took a sip, and OMG.  I was in Heaven.  The flavor:  Chocolate Truffle.  YUM.  It has 23 grams of protein for one scoop and I add it to 8 oz of milk, so I get a total of 31 grams of protein for one shake!  The next flavor to try is Double Stuffed Cookie (OREO!!!).  Can hardly wait!

So needless to say, I'm finally getting my 65-70 grams of protein in every day now!  Two shakes already give me 62 grams, but I usually can only drink about 3/4 of my shake and I'm full, so I am generally getting about 50 grams of protein from two shakes.  That allows me to get 15-20 grams of protein from food, which is perfect!  Some days I get even more than 70, so I can't complain!  Food is going GREAT and I'm still focused on protein.  Eggs and chicken are my faves right now.

As for exercise, I need to do more.  I've been doing some, but I need to get a schedule down.  I want to start the Couch to 5K program but need to get more strength in my muscles first.

Can't believe my 3 month checkup is less than 2 weeks away - Oct. 22nd.  They do all my measurements again, so I will find out how many inches I've dropped!  So excited.  Unofficially I have lost a total of 80 lbs, so seeing what I've dropped in inches will be interesting!

Until next time..."You will never change your life until you change something you do daily." -Mike Murdock

Monday, October 1, 2012

8 Weeks

Okay, so technically tomorrow I am 9 weeks post op but I figured I should put up my 8 week post op comparison photos.  It was really shocking for me to see these side by side because pictures are the only way I see the changes.

Food is going well!  Added in some cucumbers, which I love dipped in ranch dressing.  Also love peanut butter on toast or crackers.  Total loss at 8 weeks:  78 lbs! 

Short post today, but more updates soon!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Protein Protein Protein!!!

Well I can finally say I have found a protein shake I like.  It only took 8 weeks.  Ugh!  I bought some Jay Robb Vanilla Protein Powder and I blend it with milk, frozen strawberries, half a banana, a few pieces of pineapple, and some ice cubes and I'm a happy little camper.  Now if only I had a place to blend up my protein shakes at work without disturbing anyone.  I am going to try pre-making it tomorrow and bring it to work.  Hoping it goes ok.  Figured if I put it in my shaker bottle, I can just shake it up prior to drinking.  Unfortunately it wont have a shake like consistency, but it gets the job done!

Now on to the weight.  I have finally hit ONEderland!!!  That's right, I'm at 198 lbs, with a total loss of 79 lbs!  As usual, it is difficult for me to see, but it becomes real when someone passes me without even saying hi because they don't recognize me.  Weird!  Although the weight loss has been fairly quick, it has NOT been easy.  I still think about food a lot and it can be frustrating when what I'm eating is so good but I can only eat about 3 Tbsp of it.  BUT I signed up for this and knew it wasn't going to be easy.  The quick cure is looking at a past picture of me and all those food cravings go away because I am so utterly disgusted with how unhealthy and heavy I was!  

Another week ahead of making sure I'm getting in my 65-70 grams of protein each day AND my 64 oz of water/liquids.  Always a challenge, but I'm up for it.  :-)

Monday, September 17, 2012

The Down Days

Well I woke up this morning with the most awful nausea I've ever had.  I'm not going to go into details why or you would never read my posts again, but I'm in the process of trying to fix it right now and will hopefully feel better by morning.

It's one of those days where I wish things would just speed up.  Not the weight loss, but the foods I can eat. However, I have to say that I started going to a WLS Support Group on Saturday mornings and even after only meeting 5 of the people this past Saturday, I can already say I LOVE it.  The people are SO nice and so understanding.  I am the most recent post op - everyone I met Saturday is at least a year out.  It actually makes me hopeful!  Hearing their stories and how they got to where they are today is just amazing.

Anyway, hoping tomorrow is a better day.  Thinking positive!

Friday, September 14, 2012

Out of Control

The above picture was taken at my first Bariatric Appointment - I was 285 lbs.  It makes me cry looking at it.  How in the world did I let myself get to be so unhealthy???  The bigger question - WHY did I let myself get that unhealthy???  It disgusts me.  I tried to change my eating habits, but I would eat because I was depressed and I was depressed because I was so overweight, among other life events that I couldn't shake - a vicious cycle far too many people are familiar with.  I think weight loss is easier for some more than others.  You always hear people say "if you just put your mind to it."  They are right, but I truly believe some need the extra help, and I am one of those people.

I contemplated weight loss surgery (WLS) for about 9 months to a year and to be honest, the only thing stopping me was the fear of judgement.  I think weight loss surgery is all to often referred to as "the easy way out," and to be perfectly honest, that's exactly what I thought about it about 5 years ago.  But I started to educate myself and learned it is far from it.  Simply put, WLS is a tool.  Do I believe everyone who is overweight should have it done?  Absolutely not.  I think it is GREAT that some people can do it without the extra tool of WLS.  But about 3 months prior to making my decision, I was having some serious health concerns that would effect me long term if I didn't do something about my weight.  I learned I had hypertension (high blood pressure), type 2 diabetes (which caused health issues on its own), horrible joint and back pain, depression, liver problems, and a BMI of 48.7. These health concerns are what made me tell myself I needed help.

So, this past June, I made the decision to have WLS.  I have always been a patient of Park Nicollet so I looked up their Bariatric Surgery online and attended an hour and a half information session on the different surgeries they perform.  Since I had already done A LOT of research, I was very familiar with the different types of surgeries and what they entail.  I went home knowing my options but did not want to make any decisions prior to my first appointment.  I filled out my packet and sent it in, now I just had to wait for a phone call to make my first appointment.

June 26, 2012 I anxiously walked into the Bariatric Center.  My weigh in:  276 lbs and a BMI of 48.4.  I think the thing that made it most real to me was when my nurse, Candace, took my "before" pictures and said "Smile, this is the last time you will see yourself as this weight."  After my appointment with her, I saw a psychologist and a dietitian, the first of a few appointments with them, and went home knowing I was well on my way to a healthier me.

Without boring you with the minor details, I met with my surgeon (after multiple appointments with nurses, dietitians, and the psychologist) on July 18th and we scheduled my surgery for July 31st!  Prior to surgery they require a 10 day liquid diet to help make the liver less rigid as they need to maneuver around it, making it easier on the surgeon.  So I was on 5-6 protein shakes a day and clear liquids.  Was rough at times, but I lost 17 lbs preop.

I've had a few minor bumps since surgery.  2 weeks post op I had a fever of 103 and after multiple tests they could not figure out why.  It eventually went away on its own and I was back on track.  Then at almost 5 weeks post op I was having a hard time keeping food and even liquid down.  The burning feeling in my esophagus was AWFUL.  They admitted me as I was very dehydrated and after a few tests, learned I have severe acid reflux, which is VERY uncommon after this surgery because your stomach isn't that big so there isn't much acid.  I, of course, was an exception.  Seems I'm always a medical mystery!  I'm on Zantac for 2 weeks and then Prilosec for 90 days and it seems to be helping wonderfully!

I am now 6 and a half weeks post op and including my preop weight loss, I am down 66 lbs.  My hypertension and diabetes are gone.  YES GONE!  My joint pain is minimal and I have been off my anti-depressants since surgery with no problems!  My BMI is down to 36 and I am feeling so good.  I have absolutely NO regrets and am living life to its fullest.  I actually WANT to go outside with my husband and son now and take walks because it's not painful.  I am able to do simple things that I was never able to do before.  This was one of the best decisions I've made in my life.  This surgery has taught me how to eat to live, not live to eat, and while I can indulge every once in a while, I know I have to work at this the rest of my life.  This tool has given me the opportunity to be who I want to be.

Below is a picture I just took today.  I have to take pictures because mentally, I still see myself as "Fat Jennifer."  It's actually very common among those who lose weight - it's very psychological.  Anyway, this entry has become long enough, so I will leave you with a quote of the day:

"Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything."  George Bernard Shaw

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Keep your friends close

It wasn't long ago I started a blog and stopped after about 5 entries.  Not this time.  I have begun a journey that will forever change my life and it has already been such an amazing, wild, and emotional experience (that will be another blog entry).  I have to first and foremost thank a very close friend of mine for getting me back into blogging and for thinking of "Mom to the Max."  Melissa (AStrongerMama) and I have known each other since we were freshman in high school, and although there was a short period of time we weren't in touch, it didn't seem to change our friendship.  We have become close friends and I think it's because we share similar struggles in our lives that we have grown closer.  (Not to mention our good taste in Nebraska men).  Among other things, she has inspired me to start this blog and she will never cease to amaze me with her strength and smile.

While I would love to do another entry tonight on the journey I mentioned above, I am going to have to save it for another night.  This mama has to get her beauty sleep :-)