Thursday, October 25, 2012

Call Me a Monkey

Because I LOVE bananas.  With peanut butter.  Hey, it helps the potassium AND I get in my protein :-)  My potassium was up again Monday from 3.3 to 3.7!  I have to stay above 3.5, so I'm eating all the potassium rich foods I can and getting in my supplement every night.

My newest accomplishment this week:  I'm officially in a size 16!  That's down from a size 24.  Oofda, can't believe I was a 24.  *smacks head*  Glad that's in the past :-)

So I had a "skinny" moment the other night.  Chris and I went to a movie and I couldn't believe the amount of space in my seat!  I thought to myself, "Did they make these seats bigger?"  Of course they didn't, I'm just much smaller!  I reveled in the thought a few seconds with a grin across my face.  The simple things.  Now I have the itch to get on an airplane!

Now that I'm 3 months out, I'm sort of at a stage where all foods are pretty tolerable.  That being said, I must ensure I continue to make good food choices.  It's pretty amazing to me how many foods are out there that are good for you.  It's a matter of being a little creative and planning ahead.  Neither are always easy, but they are necessary.  Because my meals are only about a half a cup, it is somewhat easy to make a meal at home and have plenty of leftovers for lunch.  I just have to make sure I give myself some variety or I get bored.  So making a couple or a few meals on Sunday night provide great lunches for the week and Chris and Max love the variety as well!

Speaking of the hubby, he is doing great too!  He's down 40 lbs and counting, and is down another pant size.  Thank God, because the other pants were getting FAR too baggy, even with a belt.

Bedtime.  I'm fighting off a nasty cold that has a killer sore throat.  I leave you with this thought:

"A healthy attitude is contagious, but don't wait to catch it from others.  Be a carrier."  Tom Stoppard

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